I need to make a better effort to post more than once a week. You should see my "dashboard" though. I start a million posts and, for a variety of reasons, never publish them.
What a week it will be! Tonight, my sister and I are going in for a looong overdue appointment with our "hair jazzer". I had blissfully forgotten just how "dishwater" blonde my hair really is. But these roots cannot be ignored anymore.
Tim is taking Miss Moonbeam into the vet for her last round of puppy shots tonight. Sigh. She is growing up too fast.
Wednesday starts the NBA season and marks the first game we'll attend as season ticket holders! Sooo exciting. There is nothing better than basketball! Go Magic!
Friday is Tim's co-worker's halloween party. I am not the biggest fan of Halloween. Those "halloween costumes" they sell in the special halloween stores they set up in vacant K-Marts? They are for sale year round at Premiere Adult Factory Outlet. Seriously. Do not ask me how I know this. Just take my word.
There is very little "middle ground" when it comes to women's halloween costumes. I was going to try to be a flapper or a 50's girl (period dress is always fun, right?) but time got away from me. I found an old costume I bought years ago and never wore. It's a "genie" costume---exactly like "I Dream of Jeannie". It's cute without being skanky. However, I'm not big on showing my tummy, so I will continue to brainstorm. Years ago, I remember a friend and her boyfriend went as "Homecoming King and Queen". Super easy and really cute. Maybe we can do that.

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