There are few things in the world I enjoy more than a great bath. One of my favorite things about our house is the big (but not too big) garden tub in our master bathroom. I love lighting my candles, pouring a glass of wine and soaking in a bubble bath. Along with my love of baths comes a love for bath & body products, namely Philosophy. I'm obsessed. I love everything they do: fragrance, bath, body, skincare. My mom enrolled me in QVC's (don't judge, I love "the Q" too) auto-delivery program for their 3-in-1's, so I, a few. Maybe more than a few.
So what do I do? Buy more, of course. (It is really not my fault, Philosophy caught me at a moment of weakness and lured me with a "gift with purchase" offer...)
Wanna see the damage? (I've gone back and put in my reviews!)

"The Soda Fountain": I was originally going to get the full size of only the Root Beer (it smells just like A&W), but when I read that Fruit Punch smelled exactly like Hawaiian Punch I decided to get the trio. (I haven't smelled Cherry Cola, but the reviews are good...and as a Cherry Coke fanatic, I feel like I can't hate it)
3 winners! Root Beer is definitely the best, but the other 2 are fabulous as well. Cherry Cola is a dead-ringer for Cherry Coke, and Fruit Punch is delish--maybe a bit closer to say, MinuteMaid Fruit Punch than Hawaiian Punch, but that's fine.

A friend of mine loves this. When she uses it, she says she feels like a pink cupcake. It's a not-too-sweet vanilla with a hint of berry.
This reminds me of the Strawberry Shortcake cake my mom made for me as a little girl. Pink-tinted vanilla cake with strawberry icing, topped with sliced strawberries. Happiness!

I love wearing citrus fragrances, and this will be perfect for summer. I used to have their regular Lemonade scrub, and it wasn't Pledge-y at all. Their body butters are incredibly moisturizing and soak in super fast.
I am returning the product, so no review. I bought this on eBay from a very reputable seller with impeccable feedback, but it arrived in anything other than the "brand new, mint condition" promised on the seller's page. Obviously opened and most likely used. I know y'all probably think it's beyond gross that I purchased lotion from ebay, but I felt safe buying from a reputable, established seller. I figured if it's sealed, who cares where you buy it from? Anyhow, lesson learned. The seller has promised me a refund.

This smells just like a green apple Jolly Rancher! I love sweet-tart. And there are no better scrubs in existence than Philosophy's salt scrubs.
Like I said, a Jolly Rancher in a jar. Fantastic!

Since they're such awesome scrubs, I decided a little variety isn't a bad thing.
This smells like a homemade coconut cake, it is heavenly! And both scrubs perform 100%--I had Green Apple on one leg and Coconut Icing on the other, I couldn't pick just 1 to use the night they arrived!
My free gift was a 4 oz. tube of Pure Grace body butter (a $22 value, ooooh). I also picked some samples of products I'd like to try in the future.
The good thing is that since our bathroom already looks like a Philosophy store, Hubby won't notice a few more bottles. Plus, how can a husband object to his wife spending money on looking good? (Honestly, he has no problem with me treating myself--it's me that's feeling a bit guilty and trying to justify things in my own mind, haha)
I should probably mention for those who are not familiar with Philosophy and their 3-in-1's: the scent only lasts through your shower, it does not linger on your body and make you smell like a bowl of icing all day. Because that would be foul.

I love Philosophy products too. =)