She is actually Hubby's cousin, but I love her enough to claim her as my own, haha. She'll be getting her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the greatest university on earth (me, biased? no way...), the University of Florida. We are the only Gators in a family full of 'Noles, so we must stick together. She's worked really hard and has totally earned this degree. I'm really proud of her.
I just love graduation. When ever I hear "Pomp and Circumstance", I get a bit teary eyed. I'm a sap! I'm very excited to be back at my alma mater to see a new class of Gators enter the "real world". It will be especially cool to me because my cousin's graduation ceremony will take place six years to the very hour after I graduated myself. Wow, six years. How can that seem like both yesterday and eons ago? I've come a long way, baby.
Hopefully she'll have had the chance to go Gator Stompin' (a UF tradition: basically a bar crawl for seniors) and do all the other things a Gator should do before leaving Gainesville. I remember my " lasts" and how bittersweet it all was.
Now all I have to do is decide once and for all which dress to wear (a very important decision indeed) and figure out how to keep flowers fresh through a 2 hour car ride and 2 hour ceremony!

University of Florida Alma Mater
Florida, our Alma Mater,
thy glorious name we praise.
All thy loyal sons and daughters,
a joyous song shall raise.
Where palm and pine are blowing,
where southern seas are flowing,
Shine forth thy noble gothic walls,
thy lovely vine clad halls.
Neath the orange and blue victorious,
our love shall never fail.
There's no other name so glorious,
all hail, Florida, hail!

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