I try not to be too hard on myself. Everyone reminds me, "you have a lifetime together to get your home decorated!" Well, that may be so, but that doesn't keep my blood pressure from spiking every time I look at the piles of boxes in our garage!
Before the wedding, my priority was wedding-related business. After the wedding, every minute not spent working or sleeping was spent at the hospital with mama. After she passed away, I had no interest in doing much of anything, especially something as tedious as unpacking. Lately, I have started coming around and realizing that something must be done. With so much change in my life over the past year, I think that's why I'm craving an opportunity to take control and make things how I want them.
The room that bothers me most? The guest room (with my 'craft room' being a close second--but that is another rant for another day). I can deal with a bit of mess...until I am faced with 'milestones' that show that I'm making no progress. Case in point: Hubby's best friend has visited us 3 times since we moved in, and the room is in the same sorry shape it was last summer.
I know. He's a guy, he doesn't care, he just wants a place to sleep. But I'm sure someone has to know where I'm coming from, right? A guest room is a "gift" to my guests, and a presentation of what I want them to think of us. I want it comfy and cozy....not the headboard-less mattress on a boxspring (oh, for shame!)
I do have a decorating plan...after I find the stuff out in the garage, that is. The previous owners painted one accent wall in each bedroom, and this one is Carolina blue. While it is not ideal, we do not have the time or money to waste painting, so I am willing to work with it. We'll be using my old bed and frame (a beautiful black iron canopy bed). My old college comforter is a Martha Stewart/K-Mart find that I still love: pale yellow with powder blue and white daisies. I think that'll work with the wall as well as possible--and I won't have to buy anything. Then it's just a matter of adding my old nightstand and other accessories (the little touches are my fave part!). I want to buy myself a bigger dresser soon, so my old one can find a new home in the guest room.
Just for fun, here's the stock photo of my old bed frame. I love it so much. Mom always told me, "decorate your room exactly as you want it now while you're single!" I'm so glad I listened. (Single ladies: listen to my mama!) One day, if I have a little girl, I hope she'll love sleeping in this bed! (I covered my yellow/Martha comforter with a dusty lilac duvet, so the purple walls show the look of my old bedroom nicely.)

I know what I want to do (most of the time) I just have trouble getting there! Oh well...it's not like we don't have forever to decorate, haha. I think I've heard that before....